After you added your website to Boostools platform please go to “Manage” and choose “Nudges” to access the “Nudges Menu”:

The Nudges Menu consists of the following parts:


  • New Nudge campaign
  • Dashboard
  • Nudges campaigns
  • Nudges leads



New Nudge campaign

The part of the menu where you can create the new Nudge Campaign:

Please read here how to create the Nudge campaign step by step.



 Here you can see the activity of each campaign by date and its conversion:

  • Total clicks
  • Total hovers
  • Total views

In the form of a chart as well:

Nudge Campaigns

You can find the list of the created Nudge campaigns here:

There is a “sort by” and “search” option to filter the list. You can see the creation date, activity schedule, if it was configured, and some general statistics available for each campaign from the list:

  • Clicks
  • Hovers
  • Impressions
  • Conversion

You can apply the following actions to the created Nudge campaign:

  • Enable / Disable the campaign
  • Edit design of the Nudge form
  • Edit settings of the campaign
  • Duplicate campaign for editing
  • Change the campaign’s name


Nudge Leads

Here you can find all the details regarding the leads captured by the Nudge campaign.