If you install your code, set up the Opt-In Settings and got your first subscribers then you are ready to create your first Web Push Notification campaign. To do this please choose one of the campaigns available.

There are 2 main types of Boostools Web-Push campaigns:

1. One-Time Campaign 

The main type when a one-time notification is created:

You can read more about the One-Time Campaign setting here.


2. Welcome Campaign

This notification is normally shown straight after the visitor’s subscription although any time of dispatch can be set.


You can read more about the Welcome Campaign setting here.


 There is one more Web Push campaign that stands apart from others:

Opt-In Campaign

Opt-In Campaigns is the distinct type of Web-Push Notifications that allows you to create and show attractive capture forms before native subscription is displayed asking the visitor to “allow sending them notifications” from your website. These campaigns persuade visitors to subscribe for web push notifications more effectively.

Please find more about Opt-In Campaigns here.