When you are done with the Widget form design it is time to set the conditions under which the form will be shown to your website visitors. The “Display settings” are divided into 4 main parts:

  1. Display of the campaign
  2. Triggers
  3. Conditions
  4. More settings

Let’s look at each of them separately.


Display of the campaign

Where would you like to DISPLAY this campaign?

This setting allows you to define the pages where the campaign will be shown (or vice versa will not be visible)

If the setting Display only on specific pages” is disabled, the campaign will be shown on all pages of the active website.

If the Display only on specific pages” is ON the following options are available:


1. URL is - in this field you need to put the exact link where the campaign will be displayed;

2. URL is not - in the field you need to put the exact link where the campaign will NOT be displayed;

3. URL includes - in this field you can put any part of the link where we want to show the campaign, catalog or services, for example, this means that the campaign will be shown only on the website pages with the content of these words;

4. URL does not include - the same setting as above, just the other way around, you can put here part of the link from the pages where we do not want to show the campaign.

*Many options can be set at the same time.

*This is the fully qualified URL. If you select "includes", it can match any part of the URL, but "is" must exactly match what shows up in the browser.


Enabled ‘Triggers” will make the form visible according to the actions taken by the visitors:

  • Exit-intent (on desktop)
  • Timed Trigger
  • After Scrolling Down
  • Time of Inactivity
  • Trigger Upon Click




A trigger that works when a visitor's mouse is moved to any area above the limits of the tab with the website. Works only on Desktops.

Timed Trigger

The trigger to display the form depending on how long the visitor stays on the website. If you put 0 in the field, the form will appear immediately when the visitor enters the page via the campaign.

After Scrolling Down

A trigger that shows the form based on the visitor’s page scrolling in %.

Time of Inactivity

A trigger that makes the form appear when a visitor is inactive on the website, that is, when he does not perform any actions on the website, when he does not scroll, does not move the mouse, does not click on internal links, and in general, when he went to another website without closing the site with an active campaign.

Trigger Upon Click

The trigger that is activated, if the visitor has clicked on any element on the website - a button, a link, a picture, and exc.

To activate it, you need to insert the code from the screenshot, inside the necessary element in the code of your site.



To enable your campaign the following conditions can be set:

  • Display on following devices
  • Returning or new visitors
  • Frequency and Periodicity
  • UTM based display
  • Based on specific cookies
  • Display to visitors that came from
  • Geolocation

Display on following devices

Here you can choose which devises the campaign will be shown on, Mobiles or Desktops, When the setting is disabled, the campaign will be shown on all devices by default. 

Returning or new visitors

The setting makes it possible to choose which visitors to show the campaign to, the visitors who came for the first time or the returning ones. When the setting is disabled, the campaign will be shown to all the visitors.


Frequency and Periodicity

This setting will define how many times the campaign will be shown to one visitor in total and with which periodicity.

The example on the screenshot means that the campaign will be shown maximum 5 times to the visitor, his every second visit to the website:

When the setting is disabled, the campaign will be shown every time the visitors enters the website.



UTM based display

Here the UTM tags are set which activate the campaign.

It means that if you add in the link the customer entered with the Tags which are set in the fields below, the active campaign will be shown. This setting is useful to display the relevant forms to visitors that come from different marketing campaigns such as contextual adds or web push campaigns and others:


Based on specific cookies

This display condition is based on the various data of the Cookies browser, it works the same way as “Display only on specific pages”.


Display to visitors that came from

The form will pop up when the visitor comes from certain sources that can be set in the fields. The setting works the same way as “Display only on specific pages”.



The campaign will be shown only to the visitors from certain countries, or vice versa, it will not be available for the countries you exclude from the list.


More settings

Campaign Timetable 

Here you can set a campaign activity schedule. Simply define the date and the time of the activation, or set the start date and the end date of the campaign:

Do not forget to check the time zone of your account, it can be changed directly in this setting as well.