As you know already there are 2 steps in Nudge Campaign creation: 

  1. Customize 
  2. Display & Capture

The “Customize” section is divided into two parts, in the first part you chose the types of nudges to display and in the second one (“Customize Nudges view”) you configure the display of the nudges selected as well as some other settings.

Let-s look at “Customize Nudges view” closer.

When you created the list of your nudges and edited them, you can now proceed to “Customize Nudges view”. The settings here are the same to all Nudge types. 

“Customize Nudges view” consists of:

  • Display Settings
  • Timing Settings 
  • Nudge Onclick Settings


  • Border radius- the setting to choose the border radius
  • Choose desktop position – the settings to display the nudges in one of the 4 corners of the screen (the most popular position is “Bottom left position”.
  • Choose mobile position – the setting to display the nudges on the Mobile, above or below
  • Animation type- the setting to display the animation in the nudge
  • Allow visitors to close nudges – the cross button can be enabled / disabled
  • Hide nudges on desktop – the campaign can be disabled for the Desktops
  • Hide nudges on mobile - the campaign can be disabled for the Mobiles
  • Boostools branding – off branding is not available with the Free Package


  • Show first nudge after X seconds- the setting shows how many seconds later on the widget is displayed to the visitor since he entered the website
  • Show each nudge for X seconds - the setting configures how long (seconds) the nudge will be displayed for the visitor. If you enter, “0” for example, the nudge will not disappear until the visitor leaves the website
  • Loop nudges (Show nudges more than once) - constant replay of the nudges
  • Put X seconds delay between nudges appearance- here you set the “pause time” between the nudges (please keep in mind that the set time will be counted from the moment of the appearance of the previous nudge)

EXAMPLE: if “Show each nudge for X seconds” is set to 3 seconds, and in “Put X seconds delay between nudges appearance” 10 seconds, then there will be no nudges on the website for the next 7 seconds.


The settings that show what happens to the nudge when you click on it. 

IMPORTANT: when any of these settings is enabled it is applied to all the nudges in the campaign. 

Let’s have a look at each of them separately:

Do nothing – if enabled then nothing happens with the nudge when clicking on it

Open URL – insert a link and an option to open it in this or a new tab

Close Nudge – the nudge will be closed when clicking on it as if you clicked on the exit cross

Show OSM campaign – here you can select a previously created On-site message campaign to display when clicking on the nudge

Show Web push opt-in campaign - here you can select a previously created Web push Opt-in campaign to display when clicking on the nudge

Trigger Javascript – these settings are used if you need to execute some kind of JavaScript code on the page. For example, you can open some dynamic elements on the page or show modal windows.



*All thеsе options don't apply to nudges if the link is configured in text editor window already.

*All thеsе options don't apply to «Product purchase» & «Cart adding» nudges because the link for them is the Product page link which is added in the nudge already.